RAD Practice Day 2017 — Fall 2017

Over 130 RAD practitioners, prospective applicants, HUD officials, policy makers and other affordable housing interests  joined in the Fall 2017 RAD Practice Day on October  18 in Washington, DC.  Charged with devising recommendations for making RAD a permanent initiative in town-hall style working sessions, participants focused on enhancing RAD's  planning-development-financing, conversion and post-implementation activities at greater scale. In an encouraging closing remarks followed by an engaging conversation with former HUD Secretary and OMB Director, Shaun Donovan, Senator Susan Collins of Maine outlined why she is seeking to make RAD a permanent option in the pending FY 2018 appropriations bill--along with her perspectives on making  tough calls in our current political environment.  Dubbing herself one of RAD's original "RAD Sisters" (along with Senator Patty Murray of Washington),  the Collaborative and CLPHA jointly presented Senator Collins with its inaugural affordable housing leadership award. Practice Day materials can be accessed below.


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